Wednesday, June 12, 2013

In Love with Routine Life

Most of you would have already lost interest in reading further considering the Heading of the Post insane. The Routine Life that we all hate, we all whine about; how can we feel love for it?
If you are student, you must have cribbed about your waking up early in the morning, the uniform, different subjects, so many classes/lectures to attend, so less of breaks (you even have to take a permission for a nature's call), tuition's, competitions, exams etc.

If you are an adult, it wouldn't matter if you are a home maker or a professional. You still would be waiting for the weekend, SUNDAY! The feeling of Leaving your bed for the sake of getting ready for the same kind of day is something you would share with almost everyone at your home and workplace.

After all this, how can we even think about falling in Love with Routine Life? Let's look at these incidents!

This part of the year (June) is about vacations for students. Mid Semester break / Summer Break -  whatever we name them, the meaning remains the same; we have a month long holiday! When it starts, all of us (students; their parents) are delighted. Some have planned for a summer camp, while others have a trip to some relatives or some tourist spot. How Long would you wish this to continue?  Forever? Don't you wish to come back and share the vacation stories with your friends? the same friends whom you meet every day in your Routine Life? Towards the end of your vacation, don't you start missing your day-to-day life at school? The fun in the one minute gap between the two lectures/classes. The movies/the coffees/the lunch/the gossips/the whining/the fights/the friendships?

This is also the part of the year when students are finishing their High Schools or Graduating. It's an important phase of our life! Each one of us cherish those years spent at school and college. Everyone wanted or wants these days to remain! On the last day, each one of us had/have the same sentence on our lips - I will miss my school/college days! Ask yourself? What is it that we would miss most? When we left school we thought we would miss school days the most. But later when we are on the last day of our college, we think it's the college days we would miss the most. Why the confusion? Most of our friends are still there in the same city. Is it that we would miss the Routine Life that we were following for the last few Years?

A month back, my neighbor passed away. He left his wife, four daughters and a 2 year old son behind. The grief was enormous. His apartment is on the ground floor of our building. Hence, I could not help but notice the lost eyes filled with tears, through the open gate and the windows whenever I passed through. I kept wondering, how would things get better? Who would help them overcome this grief? A week after the death, their relatives went back home. the children started attending school. His wife got busy in her daily chores. I felt so nice to see those kids laughing and playing with others in the evening today. No doubt that the grief remains. But Life has moved on! Their Daily Routine has helped them get over the Loss!

Wherever we are, whatever we do, most of us keep whining about our life. We keep looking for opportunities of a break. But as it is termed correctly, it's a BREAK! It helps us rejuvenate ourselves; Gets us ready to come back to the Routine Life.

If you still don't get my point! Take a long leave; A Leave where you haven't Planned the End of the BREAK! You'll fall in Love with Routine Life


  1. & Routine life can be made amazing this way.. the life we wanted.. the life we crave for.. a rejuvenating break to go back to that routine life of amazingness, awesomeness, & a rainbow life... :-)

  2. i so agree with it... even i love my routine life...every morning i look forward to it.. and i enjoy every bit of it.... :)
