Wednesday, February 6, 2013

In Love with Tomorrow

Love and Relations Blog
Out of everything that we have in our life's, it's the Love for TOMORROW that's most special for us! Look at each and every activity that we do. If not all, our majority of the daily tasks revolves around the purpose of making tomorrow Beautiful/Happy/Secure - for us or for others! May be we aren't thinking directly of the next day but all our actions are somehow based on what we want from our future. Right from the starting of the day, when we wake up with a dream to fulfill  to the last minute of the night when we check that the alarm is set and the clock is ticking!

But the Irony is that we don't know if we would wake up tomorrow to switch off that alarm! Something similar happened a day before yesterday! She didn't wake up! She came back from her college, slept and never woke up. A matter of 30 minutes! She was gone! With her dreams, with her goals, with her ambition, with Love in her heart... she left us! I still wish that I would receive a Text from her like everyday saying "Hey Brother! Wassup? You like my new Pic on the profile?"... will call me up to know how to reach a particular destination in the city... would send me forwarded texts now and then! But nothing's going to happen anymore!

I called her an Angle! But she never believed me! I am not sure if she knew how special she was to me- for reasons known to me and just one more person! She did touch my life and made it so beautiful! I don't know about how she was with others, but with me she was a person who lived Today! Happiness, Sorrow, Laughter, Tears, Anger, Kindness, Frustration, Calmness - she could feel it all in one single day. While on one hand if she could day-dream, yet she was one of the most practical and logical lady I have met! She had turned 21 last year but still had not shed that baby fat on her face! Have a great journey ahead Kiddo. I will miss you!

Life is short! More importantly - Life is UNPREDICTABLE! But yes! we all survive on Hope! We want to see tomorrows Sunrise! We wish to see the seasons change! We wish to see the February calendar of the leap year! We wish to see our next generation! We wish to see the wrinkles of maturity, knowledge and love on our face! We all wish to make a Bigger and Better future!

But in all this, just don't forget to Smile today and make someone else too! Feel Love! Express it! Because someday when I'll be gone too, I would want you to remember me for Spreading Smiles & Love!


  1. Beautifully expressed just wow! :) Spend time with every person you love, every one you care for. Make them feel special, for you never know when time will take them away from you forever! (:

  2. Making our 'Today' 'Tomorrow' with something new... Coz both are important...
    And yes, amazingly written... and awesome to read....

  3. Hey.. what happened?? everything alright??

  4. Most of the times our "tomorrow" is more important than "today." What we are unable to complete today, we will surely do it tomorrow! We love tomorrow more than today? However, we have got only today. Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow never comes, its only Today that we have to live! Yet Tomorrow represents Hope and the Opportunity of doing more... :)
