Wednesday, April 24, 2013

In Love with Dates - on the Calendar

If I ask you to tell me a few dates on this year's calendar so that you can narrate a story behind the reason you remember them, what date would be it? By the end of this post if you remember any one particular date, please leave it as a comment!

365 Days and then once in 4 years 366 Days! Each day several incidents happen around the world, so many important moments occur in people's life. Yet there are just a few dates on the calendar that we remember every year! We wait for them. We celebrate! And then we feel nostalgic looking back at them!

What dates am I talking about?

Let's consider International Public Dates, like the 1st of January (New Year); 31st of December (New Year Eve), April Fool's day! May Day! You hardly have to remember them! These are the dates that Plan our Life - we don't plan them! the stories behind these dates are available on Google and Wikipedia! there are also a few dates for relationships - Father's, Mother's, Valentine's, etc., and list continues! But yes, every time we celebrate these, we create memories!

Then there are National Public Dates, like the Independence day, Republic day, birthday of the Father of the Nation and other important person's, with national Significance, Birth and death anniversaries! Most People are way too busy to celebrate these days. It has just become a day that beckons massive discounts on products across all stores and a day off from work!

There are religious days like The Easter and Christmas! In our country, India, most religions follow a different calendar, so the dates with respect to the Christ calendar varies. it might fall in the same season  but the exact dates changes each year - Festivals; that describes it!

And then there are those Personal Dates! They are surely not important for the world or the nation, but surely, they are the world to us! Birthday of my Parents, Children, Siblings & Family members, Wedding anniversaries! on all such days, we surely go back in time to discuss "how & what" happened on the original date! atleast once for sure!

Is that it??

There are still a few left! These dates are remembered mostly by just 2 people!  The Date we met them for the first time! Our First Kiss! The First Lunch! Our kid's first Walk! These stories will remain with us, will make us smile, might bring tears too! But then, these are the Dates that come out the Calendar to Narrate Stories, and Celebrate Anniversaries! And sometimes all of these pass by very quietly!


  1. Each day is a memory.. Each day is significant.. :-)

  2. some of us are too bad with dates, but of course the memories are always treasured. Personal dates to be precise, for other dates, there are facebook updates! ;)
